To come up with ideas to entertain the ankle bitters while they are off from school can be mind boggling and especially if you are house bound, during Covid-19. We have come up with a couple of affordable easy ways to keep them engaged and stop with the "I'm bored"
1. Start A Veggie Patch - If you're anything like us we have a few million tyres hanging around - they make awesome garden beds with minimal effort. You could start off from seeds, but I think seedlings will help with the impatient monkeys to become a little more motivated to water their new veggie patch. This idea becomes a daily activity and teaches kids responsibility, how plants grow and may even get them to eat more vegetables.

2. Cook Up A Storm - Kids loving cooking so you will have their undivided attention for at least 20 mins. Pancakes are a hit as there is few ingredients and few dishes. A great no bake recipe for the little ones is fruit kebabs - Strawberries, banana, raspberries, marshmallows pushed onto a kebab stick.

A quick no churn recipe for Vanilla Ice cream is always a winner.
1 can of Condensed Milk
600mls Double Cream
1tsp of Vanilla
Optional Strawberries, Toasted Coconut, Choc Chips
Place condensed milk, cream and vanilla in a bowl and whisk until stiff, almost like clotted cream. Scrape into a loaf tin and freeze until solid.
Add optional extras to finish off.

3. Make A Fort/Tent - So next to all those tyres I was telling you about earlier are a stack of pallets. They make fab forts, or if you're short on pallets an old bed sheet or blanket strung together between two trees will do the job. This little idea counts for hours and if it's raining you can rig up a fort inside with blankets, cushions and some chairs.

4. Wash the Dog - It may seem silly, but literally one of the funniest things to witness. Although I'm not to sure if the dog will appreciate me nominating him to get a bath. Obvisouly it would have to be a nice day, as the kids will be drowned rats when they have finished, but as they say - the dirtier the better.

5. Pack A Picnic - Pack a picnic for the kids in a basket and an old blanket and send them off into one of the front house paddocks, they will be so excited going off on their own little adventure. The picnic doesn't have to be anything flash, some fruit, a sambo, a bottle of water, and away they go